
This website is the best site in the world, and for this reason I need to comment you about it.
I found this page about two years ago, one day in my house I was so bored and in google I searched "funny videos", and the first page in the search list was a youtube video, an of course I saw it and form that moment I visit youtube often, sometimes I spend hours looking for funny videos, or sometimes my friends send me funny videos and I see it, and when you see a video you can see a lot of related videos, and of course I become too see all the related videos jajaja!.

I like this website a lot, because in there you can see not only funny videos, you too can see videos about some things, for example of a university subject, that can complement the classes, like biochemistry videos, because sometimes in the classes there are some things that you can't understand if you don't see it in "action", and youtube is a didactic tool for to understand this kind of things.

Here is the link, if you don't know it :


cote laytte said...

Hi!! it's my favourite website too!
some day we could meet up to see videos together.
see you tomorrow!
bye bye

Flip.- said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flip.- said...

Hello :)
youtube is a great website,
is very funny see the videos of this website
see you tomorrow in the U
send me the material for the test of
biostatistic plis


Hi bro!, Youtube is fantastic!, very good post my friend, take care! we will see on monday! on kessi's class.. YOUR FAVOURITE!! ajaja


Carolina Ugarte said...

nachiwi!! your website it is great, I like it too, there are very great videos.
see you!
bye bye

Anonymous said...

Hi nacho! I like your favorite website too, but I prefer deviantArt, I like it a lot! althouth it isn't very known as youtube


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