A good remember

Hi, I'm going to talk about a good remember, My "school trip". I think that this travel is very important for every student, because in this situation you learn to hang the people, you know how is every person that are around you, in this situation you secure a lot the relationship between all your classmates, you meet (maybe) new friends, and you spend one of the best weeks of your life (no comments) xD.

Well, the picture that I uploaded it's of this moment, really I dn't know who took it, I supose that there was a teacher. This photo was taken in "cerro campanario" in bariloche, the landscape there was incredible, we could see all the splendor of the nahuelhuapi lake, and we climbed it on lift, was so funny. Was taken the last year, in september vacations.

I like it a lot because it shows the good time that we had in bariloche, and too if you can see, shows all our destroyed faces after a very good nigth jajajaja. I too like it because all the people that is showed in this picture I consideer them good friends, at least for to spend a good time in a party :D

My favourite piece of technology (Session 1)

I'm not the "techy type", I don’t have problems if I have an old PC or an old cellphone (but it doesn't say that I have no problem without them), I settle myself having at least a computer, MP3 or cellphone that satisfies my minimum needs, like maintain me comunicated with the world and with my friends, allow me to save all the music that I want to listen, etc.

Well, my favuorite piece of technology is my PC. This object have too much functions, like doing homeworks, searching information, an too allows to maintain you conected with your friends. I bought it about one year ago, but I didn’t bought it in the mall or something, I built it, because if you build it you can select excactly what you want in your PC, agree with what you want.

I use it for to be comunicated with all the world and with my friends, for to listen my favourite music, for to do all the works and homeworks that I need to do, for to search all the information that I need, etc.

I use it every days, mainly I use it for messenger, a program that allows you to comunicate with your friends, not only for have a good conversation, too for to share information about studies or things like that. I like it because the PC include un just one machine a lot of functions. My life without a computer will be so boring, because I spend a lot of time in the day using it, sharing with my friends, listening music, etc; and too my life without it would be a bit more complicated, because I use it a lot for searching information.
