My perfect JOB

My perfect job is, obviously working like vet :D. Well I would work in te city where I live, talagante, because that place is so quiet an too you can find a lot of farm animals that you can attend, an too there are a lot of pets, like dogs and cats, but too there are another animals like ostrichs, trouts, an another less common animals, because in talagante is located "Granja educativa de Lonquén", but anyway I would never work there xD.

I would work in my own veterinary hospital, with my best friends of the university, but for that we would have to buy a ground suburbs of talagante, and we would need a lot of money :P. It's like dream jajaja because to maintain a vet hospital so expensive, and you have to be the best hospital for to survive. But if it hapened, would be great, because i could be with my friends :D.

Well thats all goobye.