My favourite piece of technology (Session 1)

I'm not the "techy type", I don’t have problems if I have an old PC or an old cellphone (but it doesn't say that I have no problem without them), I settle myself having at least a computer, MP3 or cellphone that satisfies my minimum needs, like maintain me comunicated with the world and with my friends, allow me to save all the music that I want to listen, etc.

Well, my favuorite piece of technology is my PC. This object have too much functions, like doing homeworks, searching information, an too allows to maintain you conected with your friends. I bought it about one year ago, but I didn’t bought it in the mall or something, I built it, because if you build it you can select excactly what you want in your PC, agree with what you want.

I use it for to be comunicated with all the world and with my friends, for to listen my favourite music, for to do all the works and homeworks that I need to do, for to search all the information that I need, etc.

I use it every days, mainly I use it for messenger, a program that allows you to comunicate with your friends, not only for have a good conversation, too for to share information about studies or things like that. I like it because the PC include un just one machine a lot of functions. My life without a computer will be so boring, because I spend a lot of time in the day using it, sharing with my friends, listening music, etc; and too my life without it would be a bit more complicated, because I use it a lot for searching information.


Anonymous said...

Hi nacho!!!

I like my computer too, well I have a netbook really, it is so small! that I can take it with me everywhere. And it’s really useful to do the university’s works and talk with my friends. But I prefer my mp3! xD


Constanza Diaz Lorenzo. said...

have the same piece xD!
but I think that is really,
without the computer the lives of all
would not be the same HAS IT ALL!!!!..


Eve ^^ said...

=O I choose my computer too... I really enjoy used it to talk with my friend just like you ;D

Kisses... bye!

René Augusto said...

Hi =) !!
I pass something like that to you with the Pc xD!, my Computer is 7 years old xD!!..yeeees is too old,but despite that I'm "Computin", i dont know how can say it in english, buuuut the that if know is that I love Technology and Music :D xD!!

the Msn N' Facebook !! it's My life xD!!

Cya ;)

wait your coment

Flip.- said...

Hello Nacho:)

the computer is very important, not my favorite but I enjoy a lot, good publication:) I choice the mp3 player , read my blog .
I see you tomorrow , bye bye

danieli// said...

Hi Nacho!!!

yeeesss!!! the computer is very important today, especially to do homeworks, works and comunnicate with others persons like messenger or facebook.

Your blogspot is very nice, I like it!!

kisses!!...bye bye.

Seba said...

Hi, I like your computer.
I same have one and it is very important
for me.

See you in the university, bye

Georgi said...

Hello Nacho!

I use my PC to do the same. I spend a lot of time in msn, facebook and homeworks XD!.It´s a very important object in the life of youth. I heard that is more cheap build your own computer than buy it, it's true?. Bye nacho, see you in the university!

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